Hi Bestie!

Let's take you on a journey :)

Here's our first interaction!

The first captures of your farm as I was going around checking out what players were up to, I ended up using these on our website.

More Ryleighs = More Better

You doing a "Poof Chickens"

Your first shop starring Emma_Haze and yours truly

The first meme!

Friendly Banter

You joined the HaxysHideout staff team :D

We started exchanging our day to day events, happenings, struggles, ..

One of which being your LEGO issue :o

Another being your trunk LOL

You singlehandedly made Ducky a top emoji xD

Khaleesi joining the Server

You started basing on this lonely barren mountain

And named a pet after me...

Caught you Flying

The first time you cracked me up!

Ryleigh's Little Rant

It allowed for some funny captures :D

You got married!

Pretteh hair :o Do that again some time

There's always a mini version of you keeping me company in my base :)

I carry this bag you gifted me, with me at all times

Khaleesi's parents are adorable!

Many Woofs! They are your very best friends!

In these 10 months, we've exchanged a lot, you shared a lot, and I wanted you to re-visit some of the fun moments, reminding you that you too are a fun person!

You have a loving husband and two loving doggos, who have their quirks, who may make a mess at times or do naughty things, but in the end they truly love you!

You don't complicate my life, you complement it by being you :)

I hope you enjoy this 'rewind' on your birthday,
oh and by the way, Happy Birthday!